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Soda Springs Joint School District #150
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District Office
Transparency Law - Finances
Employment Opportunities
Title IX
Employee Links
School Board
School Board
Board Meetings
School Board Policy
2024-2025 Calendar
Activites & Events
Parent Resources
Mental Health Resources
Lunch Resources
Education Foundation
Student Enrollment
Open Enrollment
PowerSchool Login
SSHS Student Links
TMS Student Links
TES Student Links
Federal Programs
Federal Programs
School Board Policies
Section 500 - Students
Section 500 - Students
Section 500 - Students
500 - Statement of Guiding Principles
502 - Student Handbooks
504 - Student Publications
506 - Student Harassment
506.50 - Prohibition Against Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
507 - Juvenile Sex Offenders
508 - Foreign Exchange Students
509 - Tracking Foreign Students and Foreign Exchange Visitors
512 - School Climate
514 - Evacuation and Fire Drills
517 - Student Dress Code
518 - Student Use of Electronic Communications and Entertainment Devices
520 - Proof of Age and Identification
522 - School Attendance and Habitual Truancy
522F - Attendance and Truancy Checklist
522F1 - Affidavit of Truancy
524 - Student Driving Privileges
525 - Advanced Enrollment For Military Dependents
541 - Prohibition of Weapons
542 - Searches by School Officials
543 - Student Suspension
544 - Student Expulsion/Denial of Enrollment
545 - Disciplining Students with Disabilities (IDEA)
546 - Disciplining Students with Disabilities (Section 504)
548 - Theft or Destruction of School Property
549 - Prohibition of Gang Activities
550 - Assault and Battery
551 - Student Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use
552 - Hazing Prohibition
553 - Restraint and Seclusion
554 - Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
555 - Communicable Diseases
558 - Accommodating Students with Seizures
559 - Food Allergies
559P - Food Allergy Protocol
561 - Administering Medications
561F1 - Emergency Epinephrine Administration Reporting Form
561F2 - Authorization for Self-Administration of Medication
561F3 - Authorization for Administration of Medication
561P1 - Emergency Anaphylaxis Procedures
562 - Exclusion for Communicable Diseases
563 - Exclusion for Head Lice
563F1 - Head Lice Infestation Notification
564 - Health Records and Emergency Care
565 - Immunization Requirements
566 - Student Suicide Prevention
566F1 - Student Suicide Prevention Form for Information Release
566P - Student Suicidal Prevention Procedure-Plan
567 - Students with a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
569 - School Wellness
569.50 - Concussions
569.50P1 - Concussion Procedures
570 - Extracurricular Student Activities
576 - Field Trips
577 - Extended Field Trips
577F1 - Field Trip Approval Form
577F2 - Field Trip Itinerary Form
577F3 - Field Trip Consent Form
577F5 - Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines
577F6 - Field Trips Volunteer Disclosure Form
578 - Drug and Alcohol Testing of Students Participating in Extracurricular Activities
579 - Student Groups in School Facilities
580 - Student Tracking Safety Devices
Table of Contents
Section 100 - Educational Philosophy
Section 200 - School Board
Section 300 - Administration
Section 400 - Personnel
Section 500 - Students
Section 600 - Educational Programs
Section 700 - Support Services
Section 800 - Business Procedures
Section 900 - Building and Sites
Section 1000 - Community Relations
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Staff Directory